Other System Files Definitions Note: This list attempts to identify all other files anywhere in the system folder that were loaded as part of the system or are currently available to it [Text] = Item only exists under given circumstance • File Name = File Name ◊ Version = Version number of file if available ◊ File Integrity = Reports if file is damaged [Registered +Checking On] ◊ Type = Finder Type designation of file and (class) if known ◊ Creator = Finder Creator designation and (descriptor) if known ◊ System Patcher = There are a number of files besides those executed by the INIT mechanism which can patch the system in various ways. If this is one of those files, this designation appears ◊ Status = Brief explanation of status/impact of file on system ◊ Special Status = OPEN FILE/ACTIVE PRINTER ◊ Modified = Modification date and time ◊ Target Path Name = If this is an alias, location of the original file [Alias File, System 7] ◊ Path Name = Location of file